
Did you know that…

…a woman menstruates approximately 450 times in her lifetime?

…around 40% of the world’s population lack access to proper sanitation such as running water and clean toilets?

What we did

#TimeToActPeriod was a campaign that WASH programs conducted by WSHC in the district of Lamjung. These programs were based on ‘Menstruation Health and Hygiene Management Training’, also called MHM-sessions. During these women and girls received training in menstruation hygiene and taught how to make reusable menstruation pads.

The campaign financed MHM-sessions at Three Sharadha Secondary School, Three Shailputri Higher Secondary School and Bir Bhakati Higher Secondary School. The sessions, conducted by WSHC, took place in October 2019 and around 40 students from each school participated.